
To be eligible for membership in the College, an individual must

  • be a lawyer who is:
    • admitted to practice law before the highest court of a state, province, or territory of the United States or Canada, or the highest court of any other nation; or
    • retired from the practice of law in good standing and was admitted to practice law before the highest court of a state, province, or territory of the United States or Canada, or the highest court of any other nation; and
  • support the purpose of the College.

Additionally, only lawyers who meet the following qualifications are eligible for membership:

  • Designation as at least one of the following:
    • Certified Parliamentarian or Certified Professional Parliamentarian with the American Institute of Parliamentarians; or
    • Registered Parliamentarian, Professional Registered Parliamentarian, Retired Registered Parliamentarian, or Retired Professional Registered Parliamentarian with the National Association of Parliamentarians;
  • Proof of significant service and contribution to the practice of parliamentary law through teaching and lecturing, authorship of books, articles, program materials or other scholarly publications, and/or substantial participation in or leadership of professional or industry organizations and committees concerned with the practice or application of parliamentary law; and
  • Demonstration of the highest ethical and professional standards.

Application for Membership

Each candidate for membership shall be proposed by two sponsoring members of the College.  A proposal for membership, signed by the two sponsors, shall be sent to the Clerk, who shall report it, together with the names of the sponsors, at the next meeting of the Board.

Voting upon the admission may take place at the same or any following meeting of the Board.  A two-thirds vote of Board members present shall elect to membership.  A person so elected shall be a member of the Society upon payment of annual dues.

For more information or to apply for membership, submit an email to

Note: if an application is not approved, the $50 dues payment will be refunded.


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